Diplomatic Solutions offers a unique service in the world of Database management and IT consultancy. . .
We know it’s about people & process, that is why we have the the skills and driving attitude to meet the clients need at the desired standard. With our market standard process and talented specialists focusing on results, we’ve delivered basic to complex enterprise solutions on time and within budget.

With our deep knowledge and understanding of IT services, standards and technologies we know can achieve your requirements and standards; we’re mostly an RDBMs shop, and we shine in database services like Installation, Administration, Architecture, Hosting, Data Acquisition and many other database related topics on various OS and platforms, allowing our clients to effectively brand their companies, focus on the important projects and grow their business. We know from experience how to deliver consistent results that ensure success of your business. Our database and programming experience has allowed us to develop solutions for many common processes and functions across the government and private industry.

IT Consulting
We not only have the experience and knowledge to support your projects; we also have the resources and engineers to back you up.
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